13th Annual Sports Medicine Update Aug 2020

Presented During:

8/8/2020: 8:00 AM - 3:45 PM
Live Webinar  


The 13th Annual Sports Medicine Update is designed and implemented interprofessionally by and for physicians and nurses. This live webinar is led by faculty of the Washington University and St. Louis Children’s Young Athlete Center. This course intends to provide current and state-of-the-art evaluation and management of common sports medicine topics for primary care providers and sports medicine professionals. This course is intended for pediatricians, primary care/family practice, sports medicine professionals, physical medicine & rehabilitation physicians, internists, orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, emergency medicine, psychologists, psychiatrists, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical therapists and athletic trainers. Sports medicine specialists employ a multi-disciplinary approach to treating sports injuries and offer non-surgical and surgical treatment as well as minimally invasive procedures to treat a wide range or sports-related medical conditions. Conservative treatment options include a wide range of physical medicine therapies as well as more advanced management plans. 


Mark E. Halstead, MD  
Washington University School of Medicine - Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery

Planning Committee Member:

Kim M Cordia, RN, BSN, MS, BSN, RN, ONC  
Washington University School of Medicine - Nurse Administrator Orthopedic Surgery

Activity Coordinator:

Michelle R Padgett, MS, ATC  
Washington University CME

Nurse Reviewer:

Kim M Cordia, RN, BSN, MS, BSN, RN, ONC  
Washington University School of Medicine - Nurse Administrator Orthopedic Surgery

Logistics - Course

Accreditation/Planning being requested

Accreditation and Meeting Planning Services

What type of credit are you seeking for this activity?

AMA (Physician credit)
ANCC (Nurse credit)

Will this course be a single conference or a series of conferences throughout the year?

Single conference

Start Date


End Date


Would you like this course to be listed on the CME website calendar, which would be viewable to anyone?


Venue and Address

If you choose either WUSM or SLCH, add more detail for the building/room location in the box provided below the respective answer choice. If you select the "Other" option, identify the venue name, building/room location in the box provided below that option.

Washington University - CME (Live Webinar)

Venue City

St. Louis

Venue State


Practice Gap

Current Practice (what is): (Example: 19% of attendees at 2009 meeting regularly suture vs. staple during lap surgery. Additionally, only 14% of attendees felt completely confident in their suturing skills.)

Attendees of the conference struggle to keep current in various sports medicine topics, both within and outside of their clinical focus. Sports medicine injuries are assessed and treated by a variety of healthcare professionals that are not necessarily up-to-date on current research or diagnostic/treatment guidelines. There is also often a lack of coordination of care among the various professions.

Best Practice (what it should be): (Example: According to Jones, Jones and Jones, pub Surgical Endoscopy April 2015, “Patient outcomes improve 52% when suture is used as closure method.”)

Attendees of the conference should have readily available opportunities for learning, which encompasses a variety of topics, both within and outside of their clinical focus in order to train the attendees to be competent in the area of sports medicine.
Practitioners should work as a team and know what professions to include in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that patients present with to their care givers. This includes the role of physical therapists, athletic trainers, physiatrists, rehabilitation medicine experts and sports nutritionists to coordinate care and optimize an athlete's recovery

Resulting Gap (practice-based problem to be addressed): (Example: Lack of knowledge about benefits of suturing. Inability to perform suturing.)

Lack of updated knowledge, competence & performance in topics in sports medicine and quality improvement.
Lack of updated knowledge, competence & performance in satisfying the combined energy needs of growth/development in young athletes.
Lack of updated knowledge, competence & performance regarding common nutritional myths that are often integrated into the health care system, and how these myths can negatively impact health outcomes in active pediatric populations.
Lack of updated knowledge, competence & performance in the management of Type I diabetes in athletics

Why does this gap exist? (Select all competencies in which there is a gap)

Knowledge (theoretical or practical understanding of a subject)
Skills and strategies / competence (ability to do something/plan of how to use such abilities)
Performance (what a learner actually does in practice)

Needs Assessment and Educational Design

Reasons for the gap (check all that apply):

New methods of diagnosis or treatment
Applying evidence based guidelines in practice

Sources of information Check all that apply and provide supporting information (e.g., journal article citation) in the spaces below or as an attachment using the “Documents” tab.

Evaluations of previous CME/CE activities  -   Sports Med Update 2019

Any professions selected below must be represented on the planning team of this activity. This is applicable even if specific credit for that profession is not being offered.

Physician Associate
Nurse Practitioner
Other  -   AT, PT, PTA

Is the target audience (check all that apply):

Washington University and/or BJC personnel
Local or regional

Specialties of the target audience – list all:

This course is intended for pediatricians, primary care/family practice, sports medicine professionals, physical medicine & rehabilitation physicians, internists, orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, emergency medicine, psychologists, psychiatrists, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical therapists and athletic trainers.

Topics will be selected by (check all that apply):


Identify the criteria for the selection of the presenters (check all that apply):

Academic Qualifications
Experience in the field
Recognized content expert
Reputation as teacher/facilitator

Learning Objectives

Indicate the Learning Objectives of the activity below. At least one objective targeting an outcome higher than knowledge is required.

  Learning Objective(s):
• Desirable objective verbs: advocate, analyze, apply, assess, calculate, counsel, develop [an approach], diagnose, evaluate, formulate, identify [tools], implement, interpret, manage, measure, participate in, perform, plan, recommend, screen, select.
• Use knowledge-level objectives sparingly (e.g., describe, explain).
• Avoid appreciate, know, learn, understand.
This objective is designed to change the learners': (Click on each word to see a description.)
*At least one objective targeting an outcome higher than knowledge is required.
1. Review the difficulties associated with satisfying the combined energy needs of growth/development in young athletes.Knowledge, Competence/Strategy/Skills
2. Review common nutritional myths that are often integrated into the health care system, and how these myths can negatively impact health outcomes in active pediatric populations.Knowledge, Competence/Strategy/Skills
3. Discuss the management of Type I diabetes in athletics.Knowledge, Competence/Strategy/Skills, Performance, Patient Outcomes, Skills/Strategy

How do you plan to communicate the objectives to the learner? (check all that apply):

Other, please indicate  -   website
PowerPoint Slide

Select the educational and other strategies you will use to help participants address the professional practice gaps you have identified (check all that apply):

Didactic presentations with dedicated Q&A time
Case Based Presentations - Single presenter, no audience discussion
Problem Based Learning (implies use of small group and group facilitator)
Use of audience response
Other  -   Online Syllabus

Will you use support of non-educational strategies to enhance or facilitate change as an adjunct to this activity (check all that apply):

Reminder email of course highlights
Patient teaching tools/handouts
Online resource associated with activity/info presented
Other  -   Online Syllabus

Core Competencies

Which of the following competencies is the activity designed to improve (check all that apply):

Patient care and Procedural Skills: provide care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective treatment for health problems and to promote health. (ABMS, ACGME)
Medical Knowledge: helping learners become aware of established or evolving clinical and research data and explaining how this information can be applied to the improvement of patient care. (ABMS, ACGME)
Practice Based Learning & Improvement: presenting information and education that emphasizes constant self-evaluation and life-long learning; incorporating formative evaluation feedback into daily practice. (ABMS, ACGME)
Interpersonal & Communication Skills: Facilitate the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families, and other health professionals. (ABMS, ACGME)
Professionalism: showing and promoting compassion, integrity, and respect for others, being accountable to patients and the profession. (ABMS, ACGME)
Systems Based Practice: Demonstrating an awareness of and respect for the larger context and system of health care. (ABMS, ACGME)
Interdisciplinary teams: facilitating collaboration with other members of the health care team to ensure that care is coordinated, continuous, and reliable. (IOM)
Evidence Based Practice: integrating research with clinical expertise and patient values for optimum patient care. (IOM)
Roles/Responsibilities for Interprofessional Practice: Use the knowledge of one’s own role and those of other professions to appropriately assess and address the healthcare needs of the patients and populations served. (IPEC)
Interprofessional Communication: Communicate with patients, families, communities, and other health professionals in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease. (IPEC)
Teams and Teamwork: Apply relationship-building values and the principles of team dynamics to perform effectively in different team roles to plan and deliver patient-/population-centered care that is safe, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable. (IPEC)
Provide Patient-Centered Care: identify, respect, and care about patients' differences, values, preferences, and expressed needs; listen to, clearly inform, communicate with, and educate patients; share decision making and management; and continuously advocate disease prevention, wellness, and promotion of healthy lifestyles, including a focus on population health. (IOM)
Quality Improvement/Patient Safety: identifying medical errors and hazards in patient care; using this information to change processes and systems of care, with the objective of improving quality of care (IOM)


Individual Barriers - check all that apply:

Lack of time/opportunity to gain sufficient knowledge to implement change(s) being promoted
Lack of time/opportunity to practice and gain confidence in new methods / protocols / procedures
Readiness to make individual changes in practice

Barriers In System - check all that apply:

Staffing issues
Lack of administrative support/resources

Patient-related Barriers - check all that apply:

Lack of accessible care
Patient knowledge/readiness to change

Will this activity address any of these barriers?

If yes, which one(s) and in what way?
Provide education on resources to help make implementing the practices outlined in various talks easier for course attendees. By increasing competence that should also improve efficiency and help with potential barrier of lack of time.

Are there other initiatives within the institution working on the same issue?


Are there other internal or external groups that could be included to enhance the content of this activity?


Evaluation Outcomes

Knowledge/Competence/Strategy/Skills - This can be obtained from evaluations done at the time of the course (WE REQUIRE THIS ONE)

Evaluation form for participants (required)
Audience response system (ARS)

Performance – This may be obtained from actual data or from post-course self- assessment by the attendees. If you choose to evaluate performance you will be asked to give an example of your results to the CME department.

Customized follow-up survey/interview/focus group about actual change in practice at specified intervals

Patient Health – This may be obtained from actual data or from post-course self- assessment by the attendees. If you choose to evaluate patient health outcomes, you will be asked to give an example of your results to the CME department.

Customized follow-up survey/interview/focus group about actual change in practice at specified intervals


Which Washington University Department/Division is presenting this activity?
If there is no WU Department/Division, please note an individual with a primary WU faculty appointment (i.e., WU employee) must be assigned on the "Planning Team" page of the application as the Chair, Co-Chair or Planning Committee Member for this activity.


Within WU: If billing a WU department, you MUST include the WORKDAY COST CENTER number for charges.
Outside of WU: Provide the department/organization contact name, email and mailing address. Attach your company's W-9 to this application. (This is not needed if billing to BJC.)
Once your application is received, we will review it to make determination of and provide you with the applicable charges for your activity.

Name: Andrea G Mahacek
Address: Campus Box 8233
Phone: +1 314 747-2819
Fax: +1 314 747-2521
Title: Business Director
Department: Orthopaedic Surgery
Email: mahaceka@wustl.edu

Will there be displays or exhibits from a commercial healthcare entity/industry/ineligible company at this activity? (Any company whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.)


How will this activity be funded? Please check all that apply.

Registration Fees
Commercial Supporter/Ineligible Company Educational Grant(s)

Do you intend to request funding from a commercial supporter/ineligible company for this activity? (I.e. educational grant.)

If yes, enter the estimated amount:

If funding is received from a commercial supporter/ineligible company, how will you be communicating this information to the learners? (check all that apply):

PowerPoint Slide
Other, please indicate  -   Website

Will a non-WU organization be involved in the planning of this activity?

No, it will be WU only

Please list name and mission of Joint Provider(s):

  Joint Provider Mission Statement
1. No responseNo response